Believe it or not, Pack Burro Racing is the official sport of Colorado.
The sport originated in Colorado during the Pikes Peak Gold Rush in mid 1800’s. Today spectators can still experience this unique Colorado Sport during the Pack Burrow Race Days at the Town of Fairplay.
The Pack Burrow Race Days are a annual event that take place around mid-to-late July.
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Tallest Building in Colorado – Republic Plaza
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Colorado Nuclear Missile Complex – Titan 1
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Colorado River Headwaters
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More Fun Facts About Colorado

Palisade Peach – Unofficial State Fruit of Colorado
The official state fruit of Colorado is the famous Palisade Peach. Known for its extra delicious flavor, the Palisade Peach is truly one of the sweetest parts of Colorado. In fact, the fruit is so

Colorado State Insect – Hairstreak Butterfly
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Pikes Peak Gold Rush
Idaho Springs and Central City Colorado The Pikes Peak Gold Rush was a major event and milestone in Colorado and American history. It was triggered by the discovery of gold in the Colorado Territory in

What Does Colorado Mean
In simple translation, Colorado is a Spanish word that means colored red. It is derived from the Spanish word rojo, meaning red. The name Colorado was given because of the reddish tint of the Colorado

Native Tribes in Colorado
Colorado was originally home to numerous Native American Tribes including the Cheyenne, Arapaho, Kiowa, Ute, Navajo, Apache, Shoshone, Comanche, and Pueblo Indians. Today, only “the Southern Ute Tribe and the Mountain Ute Tribe” are Federally