Despite what Google says, Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park are not located in Colorado. In fact, Google left out one of the Top National Parks from their search results that actually is in Colorado, Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve.
“Colorado (U.S. National Park Service).” National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.

Black Canyon Of The Gunnison National Park

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP)

Mesa Verde National Park
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More Fun Facts About Colorado

Colorado State Motto – Nil Sine Numine
On the official State Seal of Colorado, the Latin Phrase “Nil Sine Numine” can be found on a white banner just above the date “1876”. Because the phrase Nil Sine Numine is Latin in origin, the translation has two meanings

Aquamarine – Colorado Gemstone
The official state gem of Colorado is Aquamarine. This semi-rare, Cyan Colored (Blue/Green), precious gemstone can be found near Mount Antero and Mount White. It is said that the Aquamarine Gem mines of Colorado “are among the finest quality gem

Colorado Nuclear Missile Complex – Titan 1
Did you know there are a total of six Titan 1 Missile Silos across the Eastern Plains of Colorado. “The Titan 1 was originally one of the first strategic, intercontinental ballistic missiles developed by the United States. The 98-foot-long, two-stage

Richest Square Mile on Earth – Central City
Central City Colorado Central City, located approximately 38 miles west of Denver, is known as “The Richest Square Mile On Earth”. During the Pikes Peak Gold Rush in 1859, the town earned its nickname when it became the wealthiest square

Colorado State Insect – Hairstreak Butterfly
Fortunately, the state insect of Colorado is a Butterfly (“Hypaurotis Cysalus”) and not the Tarantula Hawk Wasp, sorry New Mexico! The Hairstreak Butterfly is usually grey on the bottom with purplish wings on top. This colorful butterfly can frequently be
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More Fun Facts About Colorado

Claret Cup Cactus – State Cactus of Colorado
COLORADO STATE CACTUS – CLARET CUP CACTUS In case you were wondering, the official cactus of Colorado is the Claret Cup Cactus, also know as the King Cup Cactus. It’s official scientific name is “Echinocereus

What Does Colorado Mean
In simple translation, Colorado is a Spanish word that means colored red. It is derived from the Spanish word rojo, meaning red. The name Colorado was given because of the reddish tint of the Colorado

Colorado Nuclear Missile Complex – Titan 1
Did you know there are a total of six Titan 1 Missile Silos across the Eastern Plains of Colorado. “The Titan 1 was originally one of the first strategic, intercontinental ballistic missiles developed by the

National Parks In Colorado – 4 Parks
The Colorado National Parks List includes: 1) Black Canyon Of The Gunnison: Montrose, CO. Great Sand Dunes National Historic and Preserve: Mosca, CO. 3) Mesa Verde National Park: Cortez and Mancos, CO. 4) Rocky Mountain

Richest Square Mile on Earth – Central City
Central City Colorado Central City, located approximately 38 miles west of Denver, is known as “The Richest Square Mile On Earth”. During the Pikes Peak Gold Rush in 1859, the town earned its nickname when