The Hairstreak Butterfly is usually grey on the bottom with purplish wings on top. This colorful butterfly can frequently be found along the Western Slope or in the Southern Regions of Colorado and other surrounding states.
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Colorado Nuclear Missile Complex – Titan 1
Did you know there are a total of six Titan 1 Missile Silos across the Eastern Plains of Colorado. “The Titan 1 was originally one of the first strategic, intercontinental ballistic missiles developed by the United States. The 98-foot-long, two-stage

Size Of Colorado – 104,185 Miles^2
The State of Colorado is approximately 104,185 mi^2 making it the 8th largest state in the United States. By distance, the Centennial State is approximately 380 miles wide by 280 miles long. In comparison, the State of Colorado is almost

Blue Spruce – Colorado State Tree
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Native Tribes in Colorado
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Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep – Colorado State Animal
Another iconic symbol of Colorado and the Poster Child of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife is the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep. Designated the State Animal of Colorado in 1961, the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep can often be seen along high
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Colorado Capitol – Denver
Originaly, the first Capitol Building of Colorado was actuallly in Old Colorado City near Colorado Springs. The City of Denver moved the Statehouse around 1894. Home to the “Colorado General Assembly and the offices of

Blue Spruce – Colorado State Tree
The State Tree of Colorado is the Colorado Blue Spruce. This Symbol of Colorado can grow anywhere from 50 to 130 feet tall with a width up to 30+ feet at the base. In the

Colorado Quarter
The Colorado quarter was issued as part of the United States Mint’s 50 State Quarters Program. This program released commemorative quarters representing each of the 50 states in the United States, including the District of

Claret Cup Cactus – State Cactus of Colorado
COLORADO STATE CACTUS – CLARET CUP CACTUS In case you were wondering, the official cactus of Colorado is the Claret Cup Cactus, also know as the King Cup Cactus. It’s official scientific name is “Echinocereus

Colorado Nuclear Missile Complex – Titan 1
Did you know there are a total of six Titan 1 Missile Silos across the Eastern Plains of Colorado. “The Titan 1 was originally one of the first strategic, intercontinental ballistic missiles developed by the