Idaho Springs and Central City Colorado

The first discovery of gold in Colorado is credited to William Greeneberry Russell, who found gold on the banks of Cherry Creek near present-day Denver. The news of gold spread quickly and soon thousands of people were racing to Colorado to strike their fortune.
The Pikes Peak Gold Rush had a profound impact on the development of Colorado. It led to the rapid settlement of the region, the growth of mining towns and industries, and the establishment of railroads and other infrastructure. The rush also attracted many famous figures, including Buffalo Bill Cody and Horace Tabor, and contributed to the lore of the American West.
Although the 1858 gold rush was primarily centered around Central City, Idaho Springs, Nevadaville, and Black Hawk one of the richest gold strikes in history was discover much later on the back side of Pikes Peak between Victor and Cripple Creek in 1894.
The 1858 Pikes Peak Gold Rush derived it’s name from travelers and wagon trains who would use Pikes Peak as a marker on their way to the Colorado gold fields. Pikes Peak can be seen from over 100 miles away.
Central City Colorado Map
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