Denver Colorado

The population of Denver is approximately 733,114 residents. The population of the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood Metropolitan Statistical Area, also known as the Denver Metro Area, was 2,998,982 in 2020.
In addition to being the biggest city in Colorado, the City of Denver is also the State Capital and central economic hub for domestic/international travel and trade.
The second largest city in Colorado is Colorado Springs with a approximate population of 498,816 residents and growing.
Largest City in Colorado - Denver
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Colorado Abbreviation – CO
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Mount Evans Road – Highest Paved Road
The highest paved road in America is the Road to Mount Evans, also known as Colorado State Highway 5. The road leads to the summit of Mount Evans, which is one of Colorado’s highest peaks, with an elevation of 14,271

Colorado State Insect – Hairstreak Butterfly
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Claret Cup Cactus – State Cactus of Colorado
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Palisade Peach – Unofficial State Fruit of Colorado
The official state fruit of Colorado is the famous Palisade Peach. Known for its extra delicious flavor, the Palisade Peach is truly one of the sweetest parts of Colorado. In fact, the fruit is so popular it even has its
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What Does Colorado Mean
In simple translation, Colorado is a Spanish word that means colored red. It is derived from the Spanish word rojo, meaning red. The name Colorado was given because of the reddish tint of the Colorado

Colorado Capitol – Denver
Originaly, the first Capitol Building of Colorado was actuallly in Old Colorado City near Colorado Springs. The City of Denver moved the Statehouse around 1894. Home to the “Colorado General Assembly and the offices of

When Did Colorado Become A State – 1876
Colorado became a state on August 1, 1876. It was the 38th state to join the United States. The road to statehood was a long one for Colorado, as it had been a territory since

Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep – Colorado State Animal
Another iconic symbol of Colorado and the Poster Child of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife is the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep. Designated the State Animal of Colorado in 1961, the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep can

Official Sport Of Colorado – Pack Burro Racing
Believe it or not, Pack Burro Racing is the official sport of Colorado. The sport originated in Colorado during the Pikes Peak Gold Rush in mid 1800’s. Today spectators can still experience this unique Colorado