On the official State Seal of Colorado, the Latin Phrase “Nil Sine Numine” can be found on a white banner just above the date “1876”.
Because the phrase Nil Sine Numine is Latin in origin, the translation has two meanings in the English language. The first translation means “Nothing Without Providence” and the second interpretation means “Nothing Without God”.
The state seal and phrase was officially adopted in 1877, just one year after Colorado became a State in 1876.
Nil Sine Numine Meaning
According to the State of Colorado, the Latin phrase ‘”Nil Sine Numine”‘, was adopted as a part of the ‘original’ Territorial Seal.”
Ongoing “discussion has ensued concerning ‘the’ interpretation of this Latin phrase which commonly translated is “Nothing without Providence”. Others say it is “Nothing without God”.
In the early mining days of the State, the unregenerate said it meant “nothing without a new mine”. The best evidence of ‘the’ intent of Colorado’s official designers and framers of the resolution for adoption of the seal is contained in the committee report wherein clear distinction was made between “Numine” and “Deo” and it is specifically states that the committee’s interpretative translation was “Nothing without the Deity”.’
“State Motto.” Archives, 17 May 2017, www.colorado.gov/pacific/archives/state-motto.
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